
Research Participants Needs for AAPI Health Study

Did you know that only 0.17% of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding goes to scientific research for Asian Americans, even though Asian Americans constitute nearly 6% of the US population? It is staggering to see the lack of Asian Americans and Pacific Islander (AAPI) representation in research when so many of us have four or even five generations of family in America. 

The National Asian Pacific Center on Aging (NAPCA) needs more Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders (AANHPI) to enroll in the Collaborative Approach for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Research and Education (CARE) Registry to address this inequality.

The CARE Registry is specifically designed to increase AAPI participation and representation in research focused on Alzheimer’s, dementia, and caregiving. This is an opportunity for AAPIs to participate in important research that may affect you, your parents, children, and grandchildren. 

If you identify as an Asian, Asian American and/or Pacific Islander, are 18+ years old, can speak and read English, Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese), Vietnamese, or Korean, and are interested in participating in potential research projects, adding your name to the CARE Registry will ensure that scientists can gather the data they need for critical research. Being in the registry indicates that you are willing to be contacted by researchers to learn about and participate in various dementia, caregiver, and health-related studies. If and when you are contacted, you are not obligated to participate and can decline at that time.

I understand if you are hesitant to participate in surveys and other forms of studies. I never liked surveys either. I see them in emails and on receipts all the time. Usually, I skip over them. It wasn’t until I started working at ACC and community programs that I got to be on the other side of the survey and see how important they can be. How do we serve the community and make sure we are providing services that people actually want without feedback? Similarly, how do healthcare providers or policymakers make sound decisions without data from the community they serve? I realize now that taking some time out of my day to contribute to a cause that makes a difference is worthwhile. 

To enroll in the CARE Registry, you will need to complete a brief survey online, by phone or in person, and receive $10 as a thank you. You can go online at, call Dani Lee at (916) 393-9026, ext. 339, or simply stop by the office! We would love to help you walk through it.

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